# (ESP32) ABB Power-One Aurora Solar Inverter to MQTT

🚀 Repo

Used for reading solar energy data and outputting to MQTT states using the Aurora protocol. Can be configured to read multiple RS485 instruments.

Hardware: Espressif ESP32C3 - M3Stamp-C3 https://docs.m5stack.com/en/core/stamp_c3
Software: Rust, ESP-IDF-HAL https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-idf-hal

Home Assistant MQTT data
Home Assistant MQTT data
Raw MQTT states
Raw MQTT states

Based on an old reverse engineering project which extracted the master access code from a given serial number to elevate privileges. Algorithm and hardcoded seed was found by decompiling ABB management software (VB.net) and porting to Python, and integrating into an existing Aurora library.

🚀 ABB Export Limit

def resolve_password(self, inv_serial):
        password_array = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        this_seed = '919510'
        if len (inv_serial) > 6:
            inv_serial = inv_serial[:6]
        byt_ = 0
        while byt_ < 6:
            byt_2 = ord (inv_serial[byt_])
            if byt_2 > 57 or byt_2 < 48:
                byt_2 = 48
            byt_2 -= 48
            byt_3 = ord ((this_seed[byt_]))
            byt_3 -= 48
            if byt_ % 2 == 0:
                byt_4 = byt_2 + byt_3
                byt_4 = byt_2 - byt_3
            if byt_4 < 0:
                byt_4 *= -1
            byt_5 = byt_4 % 10
            password_array[byt_] = int (byt_5 + 48)
            byt_ += 1
        return password_array