(ESP32) ABB Power-One Aurora Solar Inverter to MQTT
Used for reading solar energy data and outputting to MQTT states using the Aurora protocol. Can be configured to read multiple RS485 instruments.
Hardware: Espressif ESP32C3 - M3Stamp-C3 https://docs.m5stack.com/en/core/stamp_c3
Software: Rust, ESP-IDF-HAL https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-idf-hal
Based on an old reverse engineering project which extracted the master access code from a given serial number to elevate privileges. Algorithm and hardcoded seed was found by decompiling ABB management software (VB.net) and porting to Python, and integrating into an existing Aurora library.
def resolve_password(self, inv_serial):
password_array = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
this_seed = '919510'
if len (inv_serial) > 6:
inv_serial = inv_serial[:6]
byt_ = 0
while byt_ < 6:
byt_2 = ord (inv_serial[byt_])
if byt_2 > 57 or byt_2 < 48:
byt_2 = 48
byt_2 -= 48
byt_3 = ord ((this_seed[byt_]))
byt_3 -= 48
if byt_ % 2 == 0:
byt_4 = byt_2 + byt_3
byt_4 = byt_2 - byt_3
if byt_4 < 0:
byt_4 *= -1
byt_5 = byt_4 % 10
password_array[byt_] = int (byt_5 + 48)
byt_ += 1
return password_array